The Foundation Degree in Graphic Design
& eMedia

Just a few examples of student work


Animation and TV Idents


Student Development PDF Portfolios

Web Design

3D Design

The Foundation Degree

This foundation degree opens doors to a range of creative roles. Both traditional graphic design techniques as well as new and emerging technologies are taught allowing you to successfully complete briefs.

You will also build a portfolio that showcases your ability and potential to gain employment in a variety of diverse and creative fields, and with a further year of study you can complete a full honours degree.

What you will learn

In year one of the course, you will cover the following subjects:

  • The Principles of graphic design
  • Typography
  • Animation Techniques
  • Introduction to web design & development
  • Comic Book Art/Graphic Story telling
  • Video
  • Sound Design
  • Business Studies
  • In year two of the course, you will cover the following subjects:

  • Advanced visual techniques
  • Advanced web and multimedia design.
  • Creative Packaging Design
  • Creative WritingWork Experience

    Live projects set by industry

 To apply go to:

